Friday, September 21, 2012

And it flows again..

          It has been sometime since I blogged and I often wondered why I didn't write so often. Not that I had nothing to say, I just didn't feel like writing - which I think is just alright! :)
          Yet, pondering enough brings me to understand that blogging was just an outlet for me to 'share' myself with the rest of you. And hadn't I found enough means to do that ever since I first began writing on this blog! Photography has been such a journey for me!

          Even as I found expression in the art, I found that I was sharing my vision with so many around me. The constant flow of feedback nurtured the enthusiasm within me even as I saw that sharing simply happens. Seeking even in the form of feedback seems so distant when sharing happens on its own! Now, I find myself to be so sensitive to the various happenings around me that events seems to transform themselves into words so effortlessly! So, here I am, writing again!
          Ever since I have arrived here in Boone, I know there have been days when the day has been a journey, a story that I would want to share. Be it the smiling stranger on the sidewalk or the carefree child in the park- they all are wanting to flow out of me and mingle with minds out there now.
          Even as you read this, I can see what has got me started and it flows again..

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Even this shall pass

It is such a lovely time
That I am with your smile
back from the self-imposed exile!

Where do I lose myself
when I find myself so lost,
Forgetting you in the present
Living with you from the past!

It is a parable, I need to solve,
This phase will also pass,
It is all that I know, now
Until then let me see you smile
And know that I am all yours!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

If I were..

If I were a flower then you'd be
The sweet nectar within my heart.
If I were the raindrop then you'd be
The blissful witness-my charm.
If I were a smile then you'd be
The warmth within the heart.
If I were with you then you'd be
The world that you mean to me now!
:©2008 Pankaj - My Spaces Expanded.....

Monday, June 30, 2008

Hidden in me..

Hidden in me are many thoughts,
many questions, some worries, few regrets.
when i walk alone along the railway track..
balancing myself, my thoughts empower me!!

i think why couldn't the time be mine?
why couldn't the sun always shine?
i wish the faces that never wore a smile
i could reach out to them just for a while...

i think why couldn't i spread the light of love?
why do people leave the hands of hope?
i am troubled with a thought of being distinguished,
we are one, with none's presence gone unnoticed!

hidden in me are many concerns..
questions 'bout love, worries 'bout peace and few regrets
when i walk alone in a starry night
i wish i were the vast sky which is all giving everytime......